Appreciating Arizona

When I moved here 36 years ago from New Jersey, I felt I had moved to another world. It took me awhile to adjust to the open skies, the desert, and people talking real slooooow.

Now I feel like a native and a visitor. I discover new places and things to do constantly. Watching the state grow has been energizing and dismal at times. But with growth comes more options for living our lives to the fullest.

I have been sharing my travel adventures also on

I welcome your comments and experiences in living in our grand state in a grand way.

Happy 100 years to Arizona! 1912-2012

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Blooming in the Desert

 Ode to my Husband the Gardener

This story begins at the front of our home
where the rabbits, coyotes and javelina may roam.
Please don’t disturb these flowers so bright
or my hubby may scare you and fill you with fright!

The orange, the yellow, the purple and red,
fill our front yard on our joyous homestead.

My honey, he waters and feeds the dear plants,
and cuts me bouquets, with which he enchants.

Our kitty, Namare, likes to roam through the blooms
watching hummingbirds flutter as they zip and they zoom.

An afternoon break with a goodie and café
Reminds us to savor this magnificent day.

Thank you my darling for flowers so sweet
for keeping them blooming is no easy feat.